
Katarzyna Gierczak Grupińska
MoreKatarzyna Gierczak Grupińska – sociologist, MBA, certified social change leader and facilitator of the international New Leader Circle of FBN International. Founder and president of the Family Businesses Foundation from 2011. Under the Foundation, she opened the FBN International branch in Poland. Founding member of IFR. Co-owner of the family business GELG, which operates in the field of high volume metal processing. She persistently continues to develop space for family businesses since 2006, taking advantage of common experiences and practical knowledge to prevent repeated stumbling over the same obstacles and making the same mistakes over and over again, losing the most valuable asset of all in the process: time. She promotes the Family Business Tree Umbrella Brand, which symbolises the pride of family entrepreneurs based on the following values: tradition, honesty, and responsibility handed down from generation. Mother of two teenagers, her passions include natural environment and globetrotting.

Eleni Tzoka Stecka
MoreEleni Tzoka Stecka She is a medical doctor, experienced manager in a multinational company (Servier Polska), certified Business Trainer (TROP), Business Practices Coach and Team Coach (Norman Benett Academy). Since 2008 she owns a consultancy and training business Epsylon Eleni Tzoka Stecka. She is a founding member of the European Mentoring & Coaching Council EMCC Polska. After graduating form the Wellcoaches School of Coaching USA she became a Health Coach. As a trainer and consultant she helps to create job standards for managers and sales representatives. Regularly, she organises Manager Academies which aim to develop managing and coaching skills of Polish sales managers both in Poland and abroad (Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Kazachstan). She lead projects such as: Train the trainers and designed sales departmental structure changes as well as skills systems. As a vice-president of Stowarzyszenia Łejery (Łejery Association, 2010 – 2014), she was participating in founding the first children theatre in Poland adjacent to the Łejery School in Poznań. Currently, she is involved in healthy lifestyle promotion and creation of pro-health workplace. She is a happily married with three children, literature, travel and yoga lover.

Ewelina Kosińska
Family Business Foundation Board

Agnieszka Simon-Adamczewska
Family Business Foundation Board

Celina Koszany
Family Business Foundation Board

Beata Lichnowska
Family Business Foundation Board

Agnieszka Szwejkowska
Family Business Foundation Board

Katarzyna Kłopocińska
Family Business Foundation Board

Konrad Bugiera
Family Business Foundation Board