13 lipca 2016
Dobrze się bawić! – najważniejsza zasada dla wielopokoleniowych firm rodzinnych
11 pytań do Hansa Jacoba Bonniera
Pytaniami do jednego z członków rodziny Bonnier, będącej właścicielem medialnego giganta w skali Europy rozpoczynamy cykl „11 pytań do…”. Pytania i odpowiedzi publikujemy w oryginale.
1. Which generation is currently managing the business Bonnier AB?
– Bonnier AB, or perhaps Bonnier Holding AB and Albert Bonnier AB are today managed by professional managers and the 6th and 7th generations of the owning family.
2. How many family members are currently active in the businesses owned by the Bonnier family?
– Right now 12 family members out of 88 owners are working in different positions in the family businesses.
3. How many generation of the Bonniers are currently working in the companies?
– As I said above the 6th and 7th generations, i.e. 2.
4. How have you managed to get along with each other so well for so many years?
– Difficult questions to answer. There have been disputes and harsh discussions but only 4 people have left the ownership during the years.
5. Some business families (e.g. Mulliez, owners of Auchan, Decathlon and many more) have special meetings, which became famous in their home-town as Mullies-conclave. Do you have any particular ways of meeting and exchanging opinions with the whole rest of family? How do you do it?
– It would take too long to answer but communication is core. All owners (GA) are invited to meetings and discussions with the management and board 3 times a year. We also have next generation programs, Family Council meetings and Board meetings.
6. Is there a special way to choose successors and C-suite executives within the Bonnier family? How does it work?
– They are chosen on the basis of their competences and professionalism.
7. Was it always as it is now? Are there any family-governance solutions which were invented during your career? Did you contribute to any of those?
– Corporate governance structure were renegotiated in 1998 and 2014. I took an active part in both. The former took almost 6 years to negotiate and the latter one year.
8. In your opinion, what is the best thing about being a part of a family business?
– Plan for generations not for quarters. Being the servant of free speech. Giving power to the individual employee.
9. Do you see any differences in doing business with other family-owned companies? What are they? Which are the most important?
– No!
10. In your opinion, why do you think family businesses are important for the global economy?
– They are entrepreneurial and more responsible to society than other companies.
11. What are – in your opinion – the most important rules to obey in order to keep the business in the family for such a long time?
– Have fun!!!
Fundacja Firmy Rodzinne
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